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which Count Bernhard of Treviso writes?"
Mercurius: I am not the Well, however, I am the water. The Well
encompasses me everywhere."
-(Svendivogius, Novum Lumen chymicum)
Our Gold-Body is of no value to us, if he is not totally dissolved and brought back to
his beginnings; that means the Chaos of the Philosophers. All Gold was once Silver.
Originally, the psychic Body was Spirit, and therefore he must be dissolved again into
Spirit, if he should rise in a new transfigured form.
Also, the instinctive Nature-Soul (Nephesh) enclosed in him requires dissolution and
rebirth. The dissolution of the body occurs, as it does with the Soul in their own
sphere, namely, as Plutarch mentioned, in the astral region between the Moon and the
According to the Quabbalah, this region is dark and desolate, that is why the departed
Souls (according to their condition) have to pass through the dark path for three days.
At the end of this path, the path divides into two paths, of which one leads to the
upper Gan Eden (Paradise), and the other path leads to the lower G'hinam (Gehenna),
that means, into the Tartaros.
At the dividing point of both paths, you will find many kinds of dark demons, and at
the top the "snarling Dog" (Cerberus infernalis triceps, the Guardian of the
Threshold), the one who will immediately seize a Soul, once he sees a Soul that
belongs to him.
This dark region of the interregnum, which is inhabited by countless roaming Spirit-
Beings, represents a great shock for the Souls travelling through this region. However,
the pious are protected through their pure holy garments and through their psychic
Signature that they wear, so that no dark Being can be in their proximity or come
close to them.
Alchemy Unveiled Page 120
For this reason, it should be obvious why the dissolution, purification, and rebirth of
the psychic body for the Human Being, who has gained this understanding, is
absolutely necessary. In the Mysteries of Antiquity, those who were to be initiated
were artificially transferred into a state which would be identical to what the common
Human Being will experience after death. In this manner, it was possible for them, on
the basis of this profound mystical experience, to transform and totally restructure
their inner life, so that the Initiates look forward to the end of their earthly existence
with philosophical clarity and cheerful calmness.
The Mysteries of Antiquity no longer exist, but in its place are now the Mysteries of
Alchemy, which teaches the great Arcanum in the Picture-Language of hermetic
It is the Arcanum of the Rebirth out of Water and Spirit, and closely connected with
this is the ancient, but publicly never-answered Nicodemus Question: "How can these
things be?" "Can a Human Being enter a second time into his mother's womb and be
A Human Being cannot only, but must, to be born again, be led back into his prima
materia, out of which he came forth according to his astral nature.
Before the "Son of Man" can be exalted, he must be humbled, and before he can
ascend to heaven, he must walk for three days, through hell.
-(Matthew 12-40)
This is the condition of the alchemistical Blackness, whose Central-Darkness, as
Ripley taught, extends over three days and nights, even though the total blackness last
for 40 days.
Even Jesus remained for 40 days, after His resurrection, on Earth before He ascended
to Heaven.
-(Acts 1-3)
"Therefore, you must go through the Gate of Darkness if you want to
win the Light of Paradise in the White."
Then the psychic body has lost its old form and takes on another. This form is the ash,
that means the Kings and the Queens (Sol and Luna) grave. Whosoever destroys the
Gold in such a manner, sowest a good seed into good earth, out of which he comes
forth again with a hundredfold multiplication. But whosoever wants to keep his Gold,
looses his effort and labour and will be cheated.
The descriptions of the Philosophers who dedicate this condition to the blackness are
mostly allegoric.
This is what is being said with respect to this:
Alchemy Unveiled Page 121
"Take two serpents, which you can find anywhere on the ground, one
living male and one living female. Join both, with the bond of love,
and lock them up in an arabic Caraha. This is the first work. With the
Fire of Nature you must struggle against them and you must take care,
that you draw your line around them. Encircle them, and keep all
entrances secure, so that they cannot obtain any help. Keep it under
siege and be patient, then they will transmute into an ugly filthy
poisonous black toad, which will change into a horrible guzzling
dragon, who will creep and wallow on the bottom of his cave, but
without wings. Do not touch it, because there is no poison, which is
stronger or more potent. Continue as you did in the beginning, then the
dragon becomes a swan, whiter than snow. Then I will allow you, to
increase your fire, until the Phoenix appears. This is a dark red bird [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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